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Frequently asked questions

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How to download de SOS APP?

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Proin malesuada, ex et aliquam tempus, risus arcu tristique felis, a dapibus nibh neque vitae elit. Vestibulum quis est magna. Nullam a pretium ex, sed egestas enim. Vivamus mollis a lectus id accumsan. Suspendisse finibus ex non arcu varius tempus. Vivamus id tempor mi. Etiam pulvinar et urna in rhoncus.

¿What the free trial offers?

The use and performance of SOS Security Online Solutions is 100% of the solution for 30 days

¿How do I apply for the free trial of SOS Security Online Solutions?

Click here, fill in the form and an SOS consultant will contact you to install the free trial of our solution

¿My information is secure with SOS Security Online Solutions?

The information of your service and your customers are safe with our solution. We guarantee access and consultation forever.

What is the average time in implementation of the solution?

It depends on its availability, for our part we guarantee the installation in a business day.

What is the average time in implementation of the solution?

Yes, we are open to making custom developments.