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Visitor Management System

The Online Visitors Management platform, maximize the security controls and improve the visitors registration time, allowing real-time reports necessary for making decisions, connecting the Security Company, Homeowners Association and the Property Management in the same environment.


Intuitive navigation, touch screen and user-friendly multi-platform design.

Minimize officers training time.

Expedite the visitor registration and waiting time.

Reduces the data entry errors & misspellings.

Real-Time email paperless reports.

Analytical and statistical reports to determine specific unit issues.

Helps to identify irregular traffic patterns into the property

Money saving in transferring, filing and storage documents

Detailed real-time Post Orders. (Detailed activities instructions to be carried out by the security personnel).

Integration capability to the Security Online Solutions app.

Visitors Module increases the management control of the unit’s information, the residents, their vehicles and their visitors; expedite processing at the gate, lowers the traficc volume in the line and improve the services to the residents.

Free access with an independent portal for registration and management the community data.

Unlimited uploading PDF files. (leasing agreements, driver licenses, warnings, images, etc.).

Community configuration with different levels of control to suit the needs and community requirements. (Monthly vehicle overnigth passes per unit, number of registered permanent visitors, etc.).

Control and manage residents information, permanent visitors, realtors, and others.

Capability to register units warnings, notes, comments, etc. To alert security officers in their guard portal, about the units, their residents, as well as about the rules, restrictions of visitors and / or contractors and other relevant information or warnings.

Inventory of vacant, rented, for rent or occupied units, as well as the ones that require profile update.

Visitors Module increases the management control of the unit’s information, the residents, their vehicles and their visitors; expedite processing at the gate, lowers the traffic volume in the line and improve the services to the residents.

Free access to an independent portal for their own data review and registration 24/7.

Customized residents community portal with unique login access.

Streamline access times to expedite community guest and visitors registration

Registration and removal of permanent visitors, contractors, therapist, etc. Expediting their registration and access at the security gate.

Access to search and review their individual unit historical Visitors registration log.

Allows the resident to update their own phone numbers that they would like the Security to call and announce their visitor

Visitor Management System

Visitors Module allows residents to review their occupants, registered vehicles, manage their permanent visitors and also review on their visitors traffic log.


Online cloud platform.

Easy to use, intuitive design

Touchscreen design.

Automatic daily Remote Backups in secure locations.

24x7 Dedicated Servers located in Ashburn, Virginia, with multi internet service providers and power generators

Search by dierent elds parameters.

Access through dierent portals according to the type of user.

Available for any device (Desktop, tablet, mobile).

Multiple analytical and statistical reports.

Allows visitor’s passes printing

Process the driver license data capture.

Driver`s license scan and automatic data capture to expedite processing and minimize misspellings.

Try the best Security Management solution free for a full 30 days